Loan Protection Insurance

Loan Protection Insurance
One of the attractions of a loan with the The Rosses Credit Union Limited is free Loan Protection Insurance. It repays the balance of the loan in the event of a member’s death. Cover is available for those in good health or carrying out normal occupational duties at the time the loan is granted.
What is Loan Protection Insurance?
In The Rosses Credit Union Limited, the outstanding loan balances of eligible members are automatically insured at no direct cost to the member. This means the loan debt will be wiped clean in the event of the member’s death. Members can take out a credit union loan in the full confidence that their dependents will not have to pay the loan off on death and total and permanent disability for any occupation. It is available for those aged 16-85 years. Banks and other financial institutions charge a separate insurance premium on top of loan repayments for this service.
Loan Protection Insurance is payable subject to policy terms and conditions.
- The insurance benefit payable is the amount of the member’s outstanding loan balance
- Cover ceases on the member’s 85th birthday
- The cover extends to include total and permanent disability from any occupation. In the event of the member becoming totally and permanently disabled for any occupation then the benefit will be paid
- The total and permanent disability must be medically determined
- The total and permanent disability must commence before the 65th birthday